DONE French essay: 200-250
Journalism stories: two
DONE Ice cream scoops: check
DONE ICONS--read and review
DONE Call Kathleen regarding music practice for Saturday Christmas Pageant Rehearsal
DONE Learn Angel lines; try to be angelic
DONE Brainstorm for Saturday Youth Party
DONE Bake something Belgian chocolate-related for WHATW
Take down trash
DONE Bake, wrap, write, assemble, etc: friends' gifts for final pre-break day
DONE Visit Grandpa over at Cov. Michigan
Order senior pictures
Confirmands' Rally emails--really now, get on the ball
Kingdom Assigment brainstorming, continued
maybe Albion Scholars information
maybe knitting
maybe PDI
maybe CP
wrapping, baking, misc. Christmas preparations
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
10. Reflections on Three Kings
As I was leading our church's contemporary service tonight and we read through the Christmas story, I half-hatched a reflection on the story of the Wise Men, a story I'd never really given much attention to before.
1 In the time of King Herod, after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, wise men from the East came to Jerusalem, 2 asking, "Where is the child who has been born king of the Jews? For we observed his star at its rising, and have come to pay him homage." 3 When King Herod heard this, he was frightened, and all Jerusalem with him; 4 and calling together all the chief priests and scribes of the people, he inquired of them when the Messiah was to be born. 5 They told him, "In Bethlehem of Judea; for so it has been written by the profit:
6 "And you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah,
are by no means least among the rulers of Judah;
for from you shall come a ruler who is to shepherd my people Israel."
7 Then Herod secretly called for the wise men and learned from them the exact time when the star had appeared. 8 Then he sent them to Bethlehem, saying, "Go and search diligently for the child; and when you have found him, bring me word so that I may also go and pay him homage." 9 When they had heard the king, they set out; and there, ahead of them, went the star that they had seen at its rising, until it stopped over the place where the child was. 10 When they saw that the star had stopped, they were overwhelmed with joy. 11 On entering the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother; and they knelt down and paid him homage. Then, opening their treasure chests, they offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. 12 And having been warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they left for their own country by another road.
-Matthew 2:1-12
We are well aware of the conflict in this story. Yet, we allow it to stay hidden underneath the main narrative of the three kings' homage to Jesus as they come to praise and rejoice at his side. The Herod narrative is still very present underneath though.
Similarly, we come to worship to rejoice, often taking our own long path to get there--hurrying to get a quick dinner on the table for evening services, wrestling children into clothes or running quick errands for morning services, pushing aside other to-dos to get there on time. But as we come to praise and rejoice in God's presence, we come with our own conflicts and turmoil "brewing" underneath, distracting us even when our main purpose for being present is clear.
Similarly again we know we cannot stay at Jesus' side forever, and we must eventually choose which path to take away from this holy place.
As the kings left, "they left for their own country by another road" or in other versions, " they returned home by a different road" knowing that to go the same way they had come spelled disaster.
As we leave the holy place of our churches, are we called to return home by a different road than we came?
1 In the time of King Herod, after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, wise men from the East came to Jerusalem, 2 asking, "Where is the child who has been born king of the Jews? For we observed his star at its rising, and have come to pay him homage." 3 When King Herod heard this, he was frightened, and all Jerusalem with him; 4 and calling together all the chief priests and scribes of the people, he inquired of them when the Messiah was to be born. 5 They told him, "In Bethlehem of Judea; for so it has been written by the profit:
6 "And you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah,
are by no means least among the rulers of Judah;
for from you shall come a ruler who is to shepherd my people Israel."
7 Then Herod secretly called for the wise men and learned from them the exact time when the star had appeared. 8 Then he sent them to Bethlehem, saying, "Go and search diligently for the child; and when you have found him, bring me word so that I may also go and pay him homage." 9 When they had heard the king, they set out; and there, ahead of them, went the star that they had seen at its rising, until it stopped over the place where the child was. 10 When they saw that the star had stopped, they were overwhelmed with joy. 11 On entering the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother; and they knelt down and paid him homage. Then, opening their treasure chests, they offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. 12 And having been warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they left for their own country by another road.
-Matthew 2:1-12
We are well aware of the conflict in this story. Yet, we allow it to stay hidden underneath the main narrative of the three kings' homage to Jesus as they come to praise and rejoice at his side. The Herod narrative is still very present underneath though.
Similarly, we come to worship to rejoice, often taking our own long path to get there--hurrying to get a quick dinner on the table for evening services, wrestling children into clothes or running quick errands for morning services, pushing aside other to-dos to get there on time. But as we come to praise and rejoice in God's presence, we come with our own conflicts and turmoil "brewing" underneath, distracting us even when our main purpose for being present is clear.
Similarly again we know we cannot stay at Jesus' side forever, and we must eventually choose which path to take away from this holy place.
As the kings left, "they left for their own country by another road" or in other versions, " they returned home by a different road" knowing that to go the same way they had come spelled disaster.
As we leave the holy place of our churches, are we called to return home by a different road than we came?
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
9. Not Buying It
I just finished Not Buying It by Judith Levine. It is an extremely well-written and subtly thought-provoking book. She and her husband gave up shopping for a year except for "necessities". The book raises a lot of questions, but in a quiet way. Levine doesn't shout the message but rather narrates it.
Here's an excerpt that you don't have to ski to be able to relate to:
"February 26
Another ski-related trouble offers another clue about consumption.
Paul [Levine's husband]has meetings in Montpelier today. He gets up early and before leaving removes my skis from his car and puts them into mine, so I can go out when I'm finished working. Then he drives off with the wax kit in his car.
At two, I am ready to get up from my desk. I put on my ski clothes, warm up the car. Soon, I'm on my way to the Craftsbury Sports Center, widely regarded as the best place for cross-country skiing in the Northeast, and I'm psyched. Halfway there, this time with my good waxable skis, it occurs to me that I didn't see the wax kit in the back of the car. I pull to the side of the road, open the hatchback, riffle through the bag. I'm right. I get behind the wheel again. Traversing some of the most breathtaking landscape in the northeastern United States, I am locked in a windowless cell of anxiety.
Here's what I'm worried about: "I'm going to have to beg a few swipes of wax from the guy in the warming hut. 'Can I borrow...' 'May I have...' 'You see, Paul drove away with...' 'I'm doing this project and...' I devise various strategies, compose and rehearse appropriate lines. I don't want to sound too demanding, but I don't want to be too nonchalant, either. A note of apology might be appropriate, but abjectness is over the top. Basically, I want to ask for help in such a way as to prevent anyone from noticing I'm asking.
I shouldn't fret. The people who work at hte center are friendly. I ski practically every day; they know me. But I am fretting. They are friendly, they know me, but that doesn't mean they are my friends. They are employees of business, and I am a customer. Customers buy things. It's unfair to ask them to break the rules for me, a friendly person they know, who is not really a friend. The twenty-five-minute trip takes about twenty-five hours. Every one hundred yards I consider turning around and going back home.
This feeling throws me back twenty-five years, to my late twenties. I had come out of college with a $5,000 government-guaranteed National Defense Student Loan and was advised by numerous friends adn former NDSL recipients that no one had ever paid back one of those loans. For two years I didn't. Then Ronald Reagan was elected and sold the debt to Citibank. The bank promptly jacked the interest to the going rate and got serious about collecting, but try as they did, they couldn't manage to collect from me. This was the era before credit companies discovdered that bad debtors are (for the companies' profits) good debtors. Until I paid off the loan and gave the banks a decent interval to reconsider me for a credit card, I could not buy a plane ticket, rent a car, reserve a hotel room, or purchase a winter coat without greenbacks on the counter. I had few greenbacks, so I bought almost nothing. On the rare occasion I traveled, I slept on couches and got around by thumb.
On one such trip, to California in 1975, as I stood on a roadside outside Los Angeles, a motorist informed me of the rung on the American social hierarchy where my credit-unworthy ass had landed. He slowed down as he came close to me. I thought he was going to pick me up. Instead he rolled down his window and practically spat. "Hey, you!" Why don't you get your own goddamn car?"
Approaching the hut at the ski center, I am again my hitchhiking, pad-crashing, cash-economy self, about to rely on the kindness of strangers--or collide with their unkindness. And then I realize it's not ski wax that I want, not even the convenience of having the ski wax ready to use.
What I want is autonomy, the sine qua non of Western commerical citizenship. To be creditworthy is to be worthy of respect. To buy is to be an adult. A person without money is a child, and all children are beggars.
What to do now? My friend Debbie, an editor, has recommended staying undercover, employing a 'don't buy, don't tell' policy. 'If you're a journalist writing about homelessness and you dress in rags and don't bathe for a week but tell everyone "I'm writing about the homeless," people will treat you like a journalist.' When Paul and I tell our friends that we are not going out to dinner because of our yearlong project, they congratulate us. 'If you dress in rags and don't bathe and keep your mouth shut,' Debbie continued, 'people will treat you like a homeless person. You might learn a little about what it's like to be homeless.'
Inside the hut, a hot fire burning. Business is slow and Nick is alone behind the counter. Though an agressive racer, off the trail this lanky young Buddhist woudl be flat on the floor were he any more laid back. His demeanor gives me courage. 'Um, could I borrow a little blue wax, just a few swipes?' I ask, assuming the identity of a person who has arrived at a ski center without ski wax and without money.
Nick smiles. 'Borrow it? You can have it.' He takes the ski, bites the plastic cap off a stick of wax, and starts applying it himself.
As I glide down the long hill at the start of Ruthie's Run, I realize that while envy may mobilize consumer desire, it's not the things other people have that one necessarily envies. I mean, how many people actually like Rolex watches? What we want from things is what we want from other people, and from ourselves--whatever it is we want. I want to be a strong, competent athlete, one of the atletic crowd...
Not buying it has forced Paul and me to feel vulnerable and to ask for help, an almost un-American behavior. But the ability to ask for help might be a good skill to cultivate. Today I asked, and got service and a smile. As I ski up the next long hill, I tell myself that what I need is some non-consumer confidence."
From later in the year: "I want something that religions offer in abundance: the permission to desire wildly, to want the biggest stuff--communion, transcendence, joy, and a freedom that has nothing to do with a choice of checking accounts or E-Z access to anything."
Here's an excerpt that you don't have to ski to be able to relate to:
"February 26
Another ski-related trouble offers another clue about consumption.
Paul [Levine's husband]has meetings in Montpelier today. He gets up early and before leaving removes my skis from his car and puts them into mine, so I can go out when I'm finished working. Then he drives off with the wax kit in his car.
At two, I am ready to get up from my desk. I put on my ski clothes, warm up the car. Soon, I'm on my way to the Craftsbury Sports Center, widely regarded as the best place for cross-country skiing in the Northeast, and I'm psyched. Halfway there, this time with my good waxable skis, it occurs to me that I didn't see the wax kit in the back of the car. I pull to the side of the road, open the hatchback, riffle through the bag. I'm right. I get behind the wheel again. Traversing some of the most breathtaking landscape in the northeastern United States, I am locked in a windowless cell of anxiety.
Here's what I'm worried about: "I'm going to have to beg a few swipes of wax from the guy in the warming hut. 'Can I borrow...' 'May I have...' 'You see, Paul drove away with...' 'I'm doing this project and...' I devise various strategies, compose and rehearse appropriate lines. I don't want to sound too demanding, but I don't want to be too nonchalant, either. A note of apology might be appropriate, but abjectness is over the top. Basically, I want to ask for help in such a way as to prevent anyone from noticing I'm asking.
I shouldn't fret. The people who work at hte center are friendly. I ski practically every day; they know me. But I am fretting. They are friendly, they know me, but that doesn't mean they are my friends. They are employees of business, and I am a customer. Customers buy things. It's unfair to ask them to break the rules for me, a friendly person they know, who is not really a friend. The twenty-five-minute trip takes about twenty-five hours. Every one hundred yards I consider turning around and going back home.
This feeling throws me back twenty-five years, to my late twenties. I had come out of college with a $5,000 government-guaranteed National Defense Student Loan and was advised by numerous friends adn former NDSL recipients that no one had ever paid back one of those loans. For two years I didn't. Then Ronald Reagan was elected and sold the debt to Citibank. The bank promptly jacked the interest to the going rate and got serious about collecting, but try as they did, they couldn't manage to collect from me. This was the era before credit companies discovdered that bad debtors are (for the companies' profits) good debtors. Until I paid off the loan and gave the banks a decent interval to reconsider me for a credit card, I could not buy a plane ticket, rent a car, reserve a hotel room, or purchase a winter coat without greenbacks on the counter. I had few greenbacks, so I bought almost nothing. On the rare occasion I traveled, I slept on couches and got around by thumb.
On one such trip, to California in 1975, as I stood on a roadside outside Los Angeles, a motorist informed me of the rung on the American social hierarchy where my credit-unworthy ass had landed. He slowed down as he came close to me. I thought he was going to pick me up. Instead he rolled down his window and practically spat. "Hey, you!" Why don't you get your own goddamn car?"
Approaching the hut at the ski center, I am again my hitchhiking, pad-crashing, cash-economy self, about to rely on the kindness of strangers--or collide with their unkindness. And then I realize it's not ski wax that I want, not even the convenience of having the ski wax ready to use.
What I want is autonomy, the sine qua non of Western commerical citizenship. To be creditworthy is to be worthy of respect. To buy is to be an adult. A person without money is a child, and all children are beggars.
What to do now? My friend Debbie, an editor, has recommended staying undercover, employing a 'don't buy, don't tell' policy. 'If you're a journalist writing about homelessness and you dress in rags and don't bathe for a week but tell everyone "I'm writing about the homeless," people will treat you like a journalist.' When Paul and I tell our friends that we are not going out to dinner because of our yearlong project, they congratulate us. 'If you dress in rags and don't bathe and keep your mouth shut,' Debbie continued, 'people will treat you like a homeless person. You might learn a little about what it's like to be homeless.'
Inside the hut, a hot fire burning. Business is slow and Nick is alone behind the counter. Though an agressive racer, off the trail this lanky young Buddhist woudl be flat on the floor were he any more laid back. His demeanor gives me courage. 'Um, could I borrow a little blue wax, just a few swipes?' I ask, assuming the identity of a person who has arrived at a ski center without ski wax and without money.
Nick smiles. 'Borrow it? You can have it.' He takes the ski, bites the plastic cap off a stick of wax, and starts applying it himself.
As I glide down the long hill at the start of Ruthie's Run, I realize that while envy may mobilize consumer desire, it's not the things other people have that one necessarily envies. I mean, how many people actually like Rolex watches? What we want from things is what we want from other people, and from ourselves--whatever it is we want. I want to be a strong, competent athlete, one of the atletic crowd...
Not buying it has forced Paul and me to feel vulnerable and to ask for help, an almost un-American behavior. But the ability to ask for help might be a good skill to cultivate. Today I asked, and got service and a smile. As I ski up the next long hill, I tell myself that what I need is some non-consumer confidence."
From later in the year: "I want something that religions offer in abundance: the permission to desire wildly, to want the biggest stuff--communion, transcendence, joy, and a freedom that has nothing to do with a choice of checking accounts or E-Z access to anything."
8. Schoolwork
Two essays written for school assignments that I came across...nothing profound but they echo some of my recent sentiments.
1. Assignment: to choose a position on the legality of DDT and write a paper from that point of view.
When my village discontinued the use of DDT for disease control, my son contracted malaria and died. There is nothing, absolutely nothing to bring a man closer to social justice than to have it affect him personally. Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, commonly known as DDT was first synthesized in 1874 but wasn't discovered as a highly effective insecticide until 1935.Capable of killing hundreds of kinds of insects in one application, DDT was widely used during World War II for crop protection and the eradication of malaria. After environmental concerns began to be introduced, it was banned in the United States in 1972. More and more countries are taking on this view. How can we support a worldwide ban of DDT when it provides the only current solution to our children dying at the hands of malaria? We must make better use of current knowledge and technology at hand to overcome the hurdle malaria presents to future progress worldwide.
Malaria thrives in social crisis, weak health systems, and impoverished villages. It is the leading problem here in sub-Saharan Africa, where about 550 million people are at risk of malaria. Five percent of children are likely to die of malaria-related illness before the age of five. Out of one million deaths worldwide, ninety percent of these deaths occur in sub-Saharan Africa. Much effort has been taken to eradicate the disease in other nations. By contrast, little has been put into controlling the malaria situation here. One of the main reasons is that malaria eradication requires a comprehensive approach. While chloroquine was once the main drug used, the discovery of new antimalarials is not keeping pace.
The most effective treatment discovered to date is the spraying of DDT on house walls to prevent malaria transmission. This method attacks the mosquito vectors of malaria where they contact the human host. One survey showing data analysis from 1993to 1995 showed that countries that have recently discontinued their spray problems have reported large increases in malaria infection. Ecuador, after increasing their use of DDT, saw a 61% reduction in malaria rates. This treatment is also cost-effective. Affected families spend $2 to $25 on malaria treatment along with between $0.20 and $15 on prevention. Is this to be the price when we earn less than $1 a day? Treatment costs for rural families are often as high as 13%. Many of us are simply too poor to pay for ample protection if we abandon DDT for malaria control.
Additionally, high costs and a decrease in foreign aid make it impossible for many countries to switch to DDT alternatives. One common treatment, malathion, is proven to be five times more expensive than DDT. Mefloquine is newly available and highly effective against multi-resistant strains, but is expensive and may cost five to ten times more than malathion. This means, twenty-five to fifty times more than DDT spraying. Investment in vaccine development has a high chance of success and is likely to be hugely cost-effective, but it may take fifteen years to develop this vaccine. We need an answer now, and that answer remains to DDT. Someone once said, don't throw away your paper just because you dreamed a computer. Namely, don't get rid of the old stand-by that has proven effective time and time again when the idea for something better is still in your head.
Bans and environmental concerns continue to be the number one argument against DDT spraying. When used on fields, exposure to the environment can cause thinning of bird eggshells, sterility in animals, and reduced fetal weights. Bats are particularly sensitive to its use as a pesticide. Yet it must be made clear that this proposal is not to continue its use as a pesticide. The only practical use of DDT is in malaria prevention. North, Central, and South American countries used 1, 172, 077 kilograms of DDT to spray house walls in 1993. While sounding like a large amount of insecticide, this represents less than 6% of the DDT levels used in the United States in 1968 alone. The level of treatment to spray the entire country of Guyana, covering approximately 215, 000 km², is roughly equal to the amount of DDT once used to spray only 4km² of cotton. When used in houses, it has no effect on animals outside the house and it has an extremely slow accumulation in humans so as to be virtually harmless. In fact, it is less harmful than caffeine, and as a carcinogen, there is only a 0.0008 chance of cancer. It must remain firm that DDT should be produced and distributed only for governmental use in malaria control.
When faced with a solution, we must act. Malaria in school-children reduces the effectiveness of their education as a major cause of absenteeism. In cities, it drives away potential opportunity by making some zones unsuitable for habitation. Malaria affects tourism in countries where the risk is high of contracting the disease. Therefore, malaria may thus be a cause, and not simply a consequence, of underdevelopment and poverty.
This problem affects us worldwide. Malaria is not just "over there" in Africa. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention released that although malaria was eradicated in the United States in the early 1950s, there were 1,337 cases of malaria (including eight deaths) reported for the United States in 2002. This problem continues into a new millennium even fifty years after a discovered solution.
Malaria was directly responsible for five childhood deaths in Africa this past year. Thousands of other children died from illnesses brought on by malaria—respiratory infections, diarrhea, and malnutrition. When these children are my children, are my neighbor's children, this number is too high. Wrote one authority in 1955, "This is the DDT era of malariology. For the first time it is economically feasible for nations, however undeveloped and whatever the climate, to banish malaria completely from their borders." It has been fifty years and still we struggle.
To reference two old African proverbs, "If you don't stand for something, you will fall for something. Let us not look to where we have fallen, but to where we have slipped." We have come partway, eradicating the disease in many countries and treating it in our villages, but let us run full force to the problem and defeat it. Support initiatives are already in place. We need a multi-faceted approach to malaria eradication in Africa, and worldwide. It has been too long to ignore the suffering of 300 million clinical cases. Every movement must begin with a first step forward and so, let us move ahead with a common goal, working together to oppose the worldwide ban of DDT.
Assignment two: A five to seven-minute oratory on topic of students' choosing
In 1986, the Supreme Court’s ruling in the case Plessy v. Ferguson created the infamous standard “separate but equal.” Over 100 years later, we’ve dissociated this phrase from racial inequality in schools and public places, but still it persists with greater magnitude for the standards we set for low-income students in our schools. The present inequalities in our American education system are unacceptable, particularly in light of legislation such as No Child Left Behind that masks the problem rather than seeking a sustainable solution.
So what is the problem? For over forty years, Jonathan Kozol has studied unequal education standards. In his book Savage Inequalities, he states, “On an average morning in Chicago, 5700 children in 190 classrooms come to school to find they have no teacher.” (Kozol, p. 52) Many teachers, feeling that they are making no progress in their classrooms, come in only three days a week, arriving late on the mornings they do come in. The number of substitute teachers is not great enough to fill the void left by the missing teachers. “On the top floor of a New York elementary school [formerly a roller rink] a sixth-grade [class] of thirty children shares a room with 29 bilingual second graders. Because of the high class size there is an assistant with each teacher. This means that 59 children and four grown-ups—63 in all—must share a room that, in a suburban school, would hold no more than twenty children and one teacher.” (Kozol, p. 87)
Children in low-income schools have inadequate materials for learning. Unless their teachers are willing to purchase supplies out of their own pockets, students go without updated textbooks and resource materials. Students’ science labs are particularly inadequate. Many are without lab tables or sinks, and they are forced to perform experiments that have inaccurate results due to poor materials. For instance, Kozol watches as students drop water into glasses to observe wave patterns. The experiment calls for a saucer with a wide circumference, but as a cost-saving measure the school system has bought them cheap plastic cocktail glasses. The waves can’t form, and the students are right in their observation of a “small splash.” Still, the teacher persists in the original lesson plan. (Kozol, p. 139)
A student in Washington D.C., when asked what one improvement she would give to the school, replies that she would purchase blue curtains because everything else in the cinderblock school would look less gray and dismal with a little blue. (Kozol, p. 181) A mother in the neighborhood describes the effect on the children. “My children know very well the system is unfair.... They see it on TV, and in advertisements, and in the movies. They see the president in his place in Maine, riding around the harbor in his motorboat and playing golf with other wealthy men. They know that men like these did not come out of schools in Roxbury or Harlem.... When you tell them that the government can’t find the money to provide them with a decent place to go to school, they don’t believe it and they know that it’s a choice that has been made—a choice about how much they matter to society. They see it as a message: ‘This is to tell you that you don’t much matter. You are ugly to us so we crowd you into ugly places. You are dirty so it will not hurt to pack you into dirty places.’” (Kozol, p. 179)
As a society, we naturally form into groups—by location, socioeconomic status, background, religion, ethnicity. We group to belong and lift those up we feel the strongest connection with. When it comes to our schools we are no different. We want the best for our children and the children closest to us. We want the best schools, teachers and resources for them, and we should, but we also start to feel that these things we have are a type of inheritance, something we’ve earned to keep for ourselves. It’s not that we don’t care about children stuck in inadequate schools, it’s that we don’t want overcrowding and lower standards for our own children. Right?
Our government has developed its own solution. No Child Left Behind (NCLB) legislation was created in 2002 with one objective: “to have all children at or above grade level by 2014.” (United States Department of Education) More recently, President Bush and the Department of Education have worked to reauthorize the legislation. However, three glaring deficits still remain. First, our children are not numbers. The NCLB emphasis is placed on standardized test scores for all grade levels, particularly those in grades 3-8. In released publicity for NCLB’s reauthorization, Secretary Margaret Spellings consistently repeats the idea of improving individual growth models. This is good, however, what is better is finding a way to present children who don’t test well. For children already too far behind, teachers are forced to simply teach them the test in order to receive adequate school funding for the following school year. Children are no longer learning how to think, only how to accept spoon-fed information.
Second, we need the personal stories in our government’s publicity of success. In twelve videos posted on the Department’s site as success stories, not a single one showed a child addressed. Children were shown working, but it was teachers and experts who were asked to report on their success. Only the children will know the true effect improved education in the classroom has had them.
Third, Spellings repeats the statistic again and again that half of African and American and Hispanic students don’t graduate from high school. The problem of unequal education is not just black and white. It’s not just a race problem anymore, and by making it so, we’re pigeonholing those affected. We’re adding to the problem’s cycle. We are looking at diversity and equality for those of all economic levels, not simply those of minority races. The use of the term minority to refer to race is overused in a country that prides itself in diversity. We are a country of minorities, both racial and otherwise. Thus, we need to address resourcing for the education of people of all income levels.
A Century Foundation initiative, Equality and Education, pushes for the integration of schools to form more middle-income schools. This is not entirely unreasonable as statistics show that middle-income students are the majority. Education is most effective in the presence of dedicated teachers, parent involvement, and students who care and know they have the ability to succeed. Does it make more sense that the government who pour more money into a few schools or integrate schools so that the widest pool of resources can be given to the vast majority of students? We learn from a young age that the hardest thing is often the best thing to do. Somehow that idea doesn’t carry over to our government. It is both possible and desirable that the human resources given to middle- and high-income students be shared with low-income students.
It is best that integration begin at the earliest age possible. “If [the government] had first given Head Start to our children and pre-kindergarten, and materials and classes of 15 or 18 children in the elementary grades, and computers and attractive buildings and enough books and supplies and teachers salaries sufficient to compete with the suburban schools, and then come in a few years later with their tests and test-demands, it might have been fair play. Instead, they leave us as we are, separate and unequal, underfunded, with large classes, and with virtually no Head Start and they think tat they can test our children into a mechanical proficiency.” (Kozol, p. 143)
Equal education advocates frequently use the metaphor of an uneven playing field. “Unlike a tainted sports event, however, a childhood cannot be played again. We are children only once; and, after those few years are gone, there is no second chance to make amends. In this respect, the consequences of unequal education have a terrible finality. Those who are denied cannot be “made whole” by a later act of government.” (Kozol, 1980)
Grace & Peace!
1. Assignment: to choose a position on the legality of DDT and write a paper from that point of view.
When my village discontinued the use of DDT for disease control, my son contracted malaria and died. There is nothing, absolutely nothing to bring a man closer to social justice than to have it affect him personally. Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, commonly known as DDT was first synthesized in 1874 but wasn't discovered as a highly effective insecticide until 1935.Capable of killing hundreds of kinds of insects in one application, DDT was widely used during World War II for crop protection and the eradication of malaria. After environmental concerns began to be introduced, it was banned in the United States in 1972. More and more countries are taking on this view. How can we support a worldwide ban of DDT when it provides the only current solution to our children dying at the hands of malaria? We must make better use of current knowledge and technology at hand to overcome the hurdle malaria presents to future progress worldwide.
Malaria thrives in social crisis, weak health systems, and impoverished villages. It is the leading problem here in sub-Saharan Africa, where about 550 million people are at risk of malaria. Five percent of children are likely to die of malaria-related illness before the age of five. Out of one million deaths worldwide, ninety percent of these deaths occur in sub-Saharan Africa. Much effort has been taken to eradicate the disease in other nations. By contrast, little has been put into controlling the malaria situation here. One of the main reasons is that malaria eradication requires a comprehensive approach. While chloroquine was once the main drug used, the discovery of new antimalarials is not keeping pace.
The most effective treatment discovered to date is the spraying of DDT on house walls to prevent malaria transmission. This method attacks the mosquito vectors of malaria where they contact the human host. One survey showing data analysis from 1993to 1995 showed that countries that have recently discontinued their spray problems have reported large increases in malaria infection. Ecuador, after increasing their use of DDT, saw a 61% reduction in malaria rates. This treatment is also cost-effective. Affected families spend $2 to $25 on malaria treatment along with between $0.20 and $15 on prevention. Is this to be the price when we earn less than $1 a day? Treatment costs for rural families are often as high as 13%. Many of us are simply too poor to pay for ample protection if we abandon DDT for malaria control.
Additionally, high costs and a decrease in foreign aid make it impossible for many countries to switch to DDT alternatives. One common treatment, malathion, is proven to be five times more expensive than DDT. Mefloquine is newly available and highly effective against multi-resistant strains, but is expensive and may cost five to ten times more than malathion. This means, twenty-five to fifty times more than DDT spraying. Investment in vaccine development has a high chance of success and is likely to be hugely cost-effective, but it may take fifteen years to develop this vaccine. We need an answer now, and that answer remains to DDT. Someone once said, don't throw away your paper just because you dreamed a computer. Namely, don't get rid of the old stand-by that has proven effective time and time again when the idea for something better is still in your head.
Bans and environmental concerns continue to be the number one argument against DDT spraying. When used on fields, exposure to the environment can cause thinning of bird eggshells, sterility in animals, and reduced fetal weights. Bats are particularly sensitive to its use as a pesticide. Yet it must be made clear that this proposal is not to continue its use as a pesticide. The only practical use of DDT is in malaria prevention. North, Central, and South American countries used 1, 172, 077 kilograms of DDT to spray house walls in 1993. While sounding like a large amount of insecticide, this represents less than 6% of the DDT levels used in the United States in 1968 alone. The level of treatment to spray the entire country of Guyana, covering approximately 215, 000 km², is roughly equal to the amount of DDT once used to spray only 4km² of cotton. When used in houses, it has no effect on animals outside the house and it has an extremely slow accumulation in humans so as to be virtually harmless. In fact, it is less harmful than caffeine, and as a carcinogen, there is only a 0.0008 chance of cancer. It must remain firm that DDT should be produced and distributed only for governmental use in malaria control.
When faced with a solution, we must act. Malaria in school-children reduces the effectiveness of their education as a major cause of absenteeism. In cities, it drives away potential opportunity by making some zones unsuitable for habitation. Malaria affects tourism in countries where the risk is high of contracting the disease. Therefore, malaria may thus be a cause, and not simply a consequence, of underdevelopment and poverty.
This problem affects us worldwide. Malaria is not just "over there" in Africa. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention released that although malaria was eradicated in the United States in the early 1950s, there were 1,337 cases of malaria (including eight deaths) reported for the United States in 2002. This problem continues into a new millennium even fifty years after a discovered solution.
Malaria was directly responsible for five childhood deaths in Africa this past year. Thousands of other children died from illnesses brought on by malaria—respiratory infections, diarrhea, and malnutrition. When these children are my children, are my neighbor's children, this number is too high. Wrote one authority in 1955, "This is the DDT era of malariology. For the first time it is economically feasible for nations, however undeveloped and whatever the climate, to banish malaria completely from their borders." It has been fifty years and still we struggle.
To reference two old African proverbs, "If you don't stand for something, you will fall for something. Let us not look to where we have fallen, but to where we have slipped." We have come partway, eradicating the disease in many countries and treating it in our villages, but let us run full force to the problem and defeat it. Support initiatives are already in place. We need a multi-faceted approach to malaria eradication in Africa, and worldwide. It has been too long to ignore the suffering of 300 million clinical cases. Every movement must begin with a first step forward and so, let us move ahead with a common goal, working together to oppose the worldwide ban of DDT.
Assignment two: A five to seven-minute oratory on topic of students' choosing
In 1986, the Supreme Court’s ruling in the case Plessy v. Ferguson created the infamous standard “separate but equal.” Over 100 years later, we’ve dissociated this phrase from racial inequality in schools and public places, but still it persists with greater magnitude for the standards we set for low-income students in our schools. The present inequalities in our American education system are unacceptable, particularly in light of legislation such as No Child Left Behind that masks the problem rather than seeking a sustainable solution.
So what is the problem? For over forty years, Jonathan Kozol has studied unequal education standards. In his book Savage Inequalities, he states, “On an average morning in Chicago, 5700 children in 190 classrooms come to school to find they have no teacher.” (Kozol, p. 52) Many teachers, feeling that they are making no progress in their classrooms, come in only three days a week, arriving late on the mornings they do come in. The number of substitute teachers is not great enough to fill the void left by the missing teachers. “On the top floor of a New York elementary school [formerly a roller rink] a sixth-grade [class] of thirty children shares a room with 29 bilingual second graders. Because of the high class size there is an assistant with each teacher. This means that 59 children and four grown-ups—63 in all—must share a room that, in a suburban school, would hold no more than twenty children and one teacher.” (Kozol, p. 87)
Children in low-income schools have inadequate materials for learning. Unless their teachers are willing to purchase supplies out of their own pockets, students go without updated textbooks and resource materials. Students’ science labs are particularly inadequate. Many are without lab tables or sinks, and they are forced to perform experiments that have inaccurate results due to poor materials. For instance, Kozol watches as students drop water into glasses to observe wave patterns. The experiment calls for a saucer with a wide circumference, but as a cost-saving measure the school system has bought them cheap plastic cocktail glasses. The waves can’t form, and the students are right in their observation of a “small splash.” Still, the teacher persists in the original lesson plan. (Kozol, p. 139)
A student in Washington D.C., when asked what one improvement she would give to the school, replies that she would purchase blue curtains because everything else in the cinderblock school would look less gray and dismal with a little blue. (Kozol, p. 181) A mother in the neighborhood describes the effect on the children. “My children know very well the system is unfair.... They see it on TV, and in advertisements, and in the movies. They see the president in his place in Maine, riding around the harbor in his motorboat and playing golf with other wealthy men. They know that men like these did not come out of schools in Roxbury or Harlem.... When you tell them that the government can’t find the money to provide them with a decent place to go to school, they don’t believe it and they know that it’s a choice that has been made—a choice about how much they matter to society. They see it as a message: ‘This is to tell you that you don’t much matter. You are ugly to us so we crowd you into ugly places. You are dirty so it will not hurt to pack you into dirty places.’” (Kozol, p. 179)
As a society, we naturally form into groups—by location, socioeconomic status, background, religion, ethnicity. We group to belong and lift those up we feel the strongest connection with. When it comes to our schools we are no different. We want the best for our children and the children closest to us. We want the best schools, teachers and resources for them, and we should, but we also start to feel that these things we have are a type of inheritance, something we’ve earned to keep for ourselves. It’s not that we don’t care about children stuck in inadequate schools, it’s that we don’t want overcrowding and lower standards for our own children. Right?
Our government has developed its own solution. No Child Left Behind (NCLB) legislation was created in 2002 with one objective: “to have all children at or above grade level by 2014.” (United States Department of Education) More recently, President Bush and the Department of Education have worked to reauthorize the legislation. However, three glaring deficits still remain. First, our children are not numbers. The NCLB emphasis is placed on standardized test scores for all grade levels, particularly those in grades 3-8. In released publicity for NCLB’s reauthorization, Secretary Margaret Spellings consistently repeats the idea of improving individual growth models. This is good, however, what is better is finding a way to present children who don’t test well. For children already too far behind, teachers are forced to simply teach them the test in order to receive adequate school funding for the following school year. Children are no longer learning how to think, only how to accept spoon-fed information.
Second, we need the personal stories in our government’s publicity of success. In twelve videos posted on the Department’s site as success stories, not a single one showed a child addressed. Children were shown working, but it was teachers and experts who were asked to report on their success. Only the children will know the true effect improved education in the classroom has had them.
Third, Spellings repeats the statistic again and again that half of African and American and Hispanic students don’t graduate from high school. The problem of unequal education is not just black and white. It’s not just a race problem anymore, and by making it so, we’re pigeonholing those affected. We’re adding to the problem’s cycle. We are looking at diversity and equality for those of all economic levels, not simply those of minority races. The use of the term minority to refer to race is overused in a country that prides itself in diversity. We are a country of minorities, both racial and otherwise. Thus, we need to address resourcing for the education of people of all income levels.
A Century Foundation initiative, Equality and Education, pushes for the integration of schools to form more middle-income schools. This is not entirely unreasonable as statistics show that middle-income students are the majority. Education is most effective in the presence of dedicated teachers, parent involvement, and students who care and know they have the ability to succeed. Does it make more sense that the government who pour more money into a few schools or integrate schools so that the widest pool of resources can be given to the vast majority of students? We learn from a young age that the hardest thing is often the best thing to do. Somehow that idea doesn’t carry over to our government. It is both possible and desirable that the human resources given to middle- and high-income students be shared with low-income students.
It is best that integration begin at the earliest age possible. “If [the government] had first given Head Start to our children and pre-kindergarten, and materials and classes of 15 or 18 children in the elementary grades, and computers and attractive buildings and enough books and supplies and teachers salaries sufficient to compete with the suburban schools, and then come in a few years later with their tests and test-demands, it might have been fair play. Instead, they leave us as we are, separate and unequal, underfunded, with large classes, and with virtually no Head Start and they think tat they can test our children into a mechanical proficiency.” (Kozol, p. 143)
Equal education advocates frequently use the metaphor of an uneven playing field. “Unlike a tainted sports event, however, a childhood cannot be played again. We are children only once; and, after those few years are gone, there is no second chance to make amends. In this respect, the consequences of unequal education have a terrible finality. Those who are denied cannot be “made whole” by a later act of government.” (Kozol, 1980)
Grace & Peace!
7. Confessions
I have not been keeping up with this blog. I often think of it and what to post next, but these posts are rarely realized when I sit down at the computer.
With several left to buy for (or for most, I need to buy something small in order to make their present) I'm dangerously close to the $100 limit I set for myself.
With the exception of clearing out my shorts/pants drawer and making a pile for donation, I haven't been following my goal of one thing a day either.
I'm no closer to realizing my K.A. goal.
I'm not particularly ready for Advent or Christmas.
However, "this one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead." (Philippians 3:13b)
I'm attempting grace. I'm attempting a fuller mentality of abundace. I'm making the time for family (We've spent every night this week with my grandpa with a scare in the hospital.)
Merciful God,
we confess that we have not love you with our whole heart.
We have failed to be an obedient church.
We have not done your will,
we have broken your law,
we have rebelled against your love,
we have not loved our neighbors,
and we have not heard the cry of the needy.
Forgive us, we pray.
Free us for joyful obedience,
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
-UMH, p. 12, A Service of Word and Table II
But this one thing I do strive for. I try, and I don't stop at it either.
Grace & Peace!
With several left to buy for (or for most, I need to buy something small in order to make their present) I'm dangerously close to the $100 limit I set for myself.
With the exception of clearing out my shorts/pants drawer and making a pile for donation, I haven't been following my goal of one thing a day either.
I'm no closer to realizing my K.A. goal.
I'm not particularly ready for Advent or Christmas.
However, "this one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead." (Philippians 3:13b)
I'm attempting grace. I'm attempting a fuller mentality of abundace. I'm making the time for family (We've spent every night this week with my grandpa with a scare in the hospital.)
Merciful God,
we confess that we have not love you with our whole heart.
We have failed to be an obedient church.
We have not done your will,
we have broken your law,
we have rebelled against your love,
we have not loved our neighbors,
and we have not heard the cry of the needy.
Forgive us, we pray.
Free us for joyful obedience,
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
-UMH, p. 12, A Service of Word and Table II
But this one thing I do strive for. I try, and I don't stop at it either.
Grace & Peace!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
6. Lost in Translation
This is one of the questions of the more random variety. Which word do you use to convey love for God, or for that matter, love from God, in Spanish?
Gustar conveys like, but above that, conveys that which is pleasing to someone. For example, "A ella, le gusta helado." translates as "To her, ice cream is pleasing."
Amar, most commonly translates to love. "La madre les ama a sus hijos." translates as "The mother loves her sons, or, her children."
Querer expresses want and desire in the context of love. "El chico la quiere." = "The boy wanted her."*
Encantar: to be enchanted with--My favorite in this context. "Ella le encanta Dios." "She is enchanted with God." This one almost necessitates the definition of "enchanted" in English also. enchant(v): "To attract; to delight; to entrance"
*Although each has its own connotation, and may not practically be translated as I see them here (for instance, "querer" often has a connotation of lust) they all, at least in my understanding of their translation, show a very different characteristic of our relationship with God that brings a fullness to that relationship not as clearly illustrated with our one word.
Reminder to self: Use them all, frequently.
It keeps coming back to me also that there are nine words for "worship" in Hebrew, and only one in our English-translated Bibles. No wonder how services often lack the depth of those at the synagogue.
How can we, how can I, reclaim what is lost in translation?
Gustar conveys like, but above that, conveys that which is pleasing to someone. For example, "A ella, le gusta helado." translates as "To her, ice cream is pleasing."
Amar, most commonly translates to love. "La madre les ama a sus hijos." translates as "The mother loves her sons, or, her children."
Querer expresses want and desire in the context of love. "El chico la quiere." = "The boy wanted her."*
Encantar: to be enchanted with--My favorite in this context. "Ella le encanta Dios." "She is enchanted with God." This one almost necessitates the definition of "enchanted" in English also. enchant(v): "To attract; to delight; to entrance"
*Although each has its own connotation, and may not practically be translated as I see them here (for instance, "querer" often has a connotation of lust) they all, at least in my understanding of their translation, show a very different characteristic of our relationship with God that brings a fullness to that relationship not as clearly illustrated with our one word.
Reminder to self: Use them all, frequently.
It keeps coming back to me also that there are nine words for "worship" in Hebrew, and only one in our English-translated Bibles. No wonder how services often lack the depth of those at the synagogue.
How can we, how can I, reclaim what is lost in translation?
4. Short thoughts
"Indeed your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But strive first for the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. So don not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring worries of its own. Today's trouble is enough for today." -Matthew 6:32b-34
Less time on me. More time on God. Got it...
Grace & Peace!
Less time on me. More time on God. Got it...
Grace & Peace!
3. Ruminations on Psalm 122
Trying to catch up on some of the thoughts I've been meaning to blog on over the past week or so!
1I was glad when they said to me,
"Let us go to the house of the LORD!"
2Our feet are standing within your gates,
O Jerusalem.
3Jerusalem-built as a city that is bound firmly
4To it the tribes go up,
the tribes of the LORD,
as was decreed for Israel,
to give htanks to the name
of the LORD.
5For there the thrones for judgment were set up,
the thrones of the house of David.
6Pray for the peace of Jerusalem:
"May they prosper who love you.
7Peace be within your walls,
and security within your towers."
8For the sake of my relatives and friends I will say,
"Peace be within you."
9For the sake of the house of the LORD our God,
I will seek your good.
We spent worship tonight reflecting on this passage.
What does it mean to have peace in the midst of war and violence? What does it mean to be a source of peace in this midst?
I'm trying to compile my thoughts while mine and those of some others in discussion are still fresh:
There must be a clear distinction that peace is defined by and through experience. The back of the bulletin tonight had a quote from the UNESCO Constitution in
1945, "Since wars began in the [human] mind, it is in the [human] mind that the defenses of peace must be constructed."
This "invention" of ours--this continual fight over property, over land and a hand in the abundance--enough for everyone if we could just take the time to share it rather than hoarding it--if we could stall the progress of this invention, than we may have a hand in stopping it.
But as it was experience by experience that built it up, to be an acceptable regime to live under, it is experience by experience that must break it down again. Someone else mentioned in discussion that those living in war-torn countries don't know what to do when war stops--because it's all they've lived with, and so they often begin another war in the first's place, or another conflict. We live in a world where war and violence have become acceptable. There is no longer any shock in hearing our nations (or even our one nation "under God") are at war--are engaged in constant conflict with their brothers and sisters.
Experience. Shane Claibourne, and I come back to him again and again as his book is so full of living a life for God in the small, tangible experiences, shares the story of his trip to Iraq. He and a small group of friends traveled to the Middle East in the middle of conflict with no clear agenda other than to show God's love to the people of Iraq--wowing in itself. While there, they were traveling through a desert riddled with landmines and I believe that it was one exploding that sent one of the cars in their caravan into a ditch. A few passengers were badly injured, and as they tried to determine how to get them help, a car full of Iraqis happened to be driving by. It was the Good Samaritan experience. Those in the car helped the Shane and the other travelers to the nearby town to get to the hospital for treatment and gave them a place to stay and rest in their home.
They turned to Shane, knowing his mission there, and thanked him--saying (and I guess, having returned the book to the next reader at the library) "I know you serve a God of peace. I have great faith in such a God, and I hope you will work to spread the knowledge of such a God to those in your country, because we serve the same God here in Iraq and we do not know either why we are in this war."
And all I can do is sit back in awe. Mother Theresa lived her words, "We are not called to do great things but to do small things with great love." I think all of us in mind of peace seek to do these things, and want to do them. If someone were to turn to us for help, we would gladly give it, but when we do not know the "things to do" because so many crowd our attention until we are numb, and we fall back into a routine of the daily things that need to be done.
An image I often use with Wesley's theology of perfection in love and sanctifying grace is that of a young child. As children try on the clothes of their parents, baggy and ill-fitting, and look in the mirror in awe and trying to understand how they might possibly ever grow up to look or act or be like their we too look at God. We stare in the mirror with our greatest parent, God our Father, standing behind us with his hand on our shoulder and we look at our ill-fitting clothes and wonder how we will ever fill them out to be anything like our God, but through the nurture we receive from Him, and from others, we continue to grow. We continue to inadvertently grow into the love we were first shown. Two important distinctions exist here. First, a child never grows up to be identical to the parent. They share common characteristics but the child is an individual and rightly so. Their independent decisions will shape them in ways separate from the experiences of their parents. And second, because of these separate gifts and graces, a child never truly fills those same shoes they tottered in in childhood. We will never truly be perfect in love as our God is, but we continue on the path to meet that goal.
The Chicago Temple--tallest church in the world and United Methodist to boot--has two sanctuaries. One is at ground level, and the second (separated from the first by levels of law and business offices as the church is located literally in the middle of one of Chicago's busiest business sections of towns--right by State Street shopping) is at the level of a skyscraper--"the sky-high chapel." An image on the altar of the ground level sanctuary shows the scene of Jesus weeping over Jerusalem and wanting peace for his people. The chapel shows the scene again, this time with Jesus weeping over Chicago. The pastor shared the church's intention to show that Jesus weeps for the peace, truly, for all his people. Jerusalem represents the center we return to, the central conviction of our search for peace.
As Jesus weeps, we cry too. And we try to do our part.
Pastor Weatherly shared the words of a professor who told his class that "The Fall was the greatest thing that happened to humanity, because without it, we would never have had any cause to seek salvation." Because we have fallen, and our brothers and sisters have fallen with us, we continue to seek salvation. We continue to seek peace.
For myself, this means taking off the blinders and taking a good look around me. I turn first to prayer.
Grace & peace, to any who may happen upon this, in the name of our risen savior and perfector in faith, Jesus Christ. :)
1I was glad when they said to me,
"Let us go to the house of the LORD!"
2Our feet are standing within your gates,
O Jerusalem.
3Jerusalem-built as a city that is bound firmly
4To it the tribes go up,
the tribes of the LORD,
as was decreed for Israel,
to give htanks to the name
of the LORD.
5For there the thrones for judgment were set up,
the thrones of the house of David.
6Pray for the peace of Jerusalem:
"May they prosper who love you.
7Peace be within your walls,
and security within your towers."
8For the sake of my relatives and friends I will say,
"Peace be within you."
9For the sake of the house of the LORD our God,
I will seek your good.
We spent worship tonight reflecting on this passage.
What does it mean to have peace in the midst of war and violence? What does it mean to be a source of peace in this midst?
I'm trying to compile my thoughts while mine and those of some others in discussion are still fresh:
There must be a clear distinction that peace is defined by and through experience. The back of the bulletin tonight had a quote from the UNESCO Constitution in
1945, "Since wars began in the [human] mind, it is in the [human] mind that the defenses of peace must be constructed."
This "invention" of ours--this continual fight over property, over land and a hand in the abundance--enough for everyone if we could just take the time to share it rather than hoarding it--if we could stall the progress of this invention, than we may have a hand in stopping it.
But as it was experience by experience that built it up, to be an acceptable regime to live under, it is experience by experience that must break it down again. Someone else mentioned in discussion that those living in war-torn countries don't know what to do when war stops--because it's all they've lived with, and so they often begin another war in the first's place, or another conflict. We live in a world where war and violence have become acceptable. There is no longer any shock in hearing our nations (or even our one nation "under God") are at war--are engaged in constant conflict with their brothers and sisters.
Experience. Shane Claibourne, and I come back to him again and again as his book is so full of living a life for God in the small, tangible experiences, shares the story of his trip to Iraq. He and a small group of friends traveled to the Middle East in the middle of conflict with no clear agenda other than to show God's love to the people of Iraq--wowing in itself. While there, they were traveling through a desert riddled with landmines and I believe that it was one exploding that sent one of the cars in their caravan into a ditch. A few passengers were badly injured, and as they tried to determine how to get them help, a car full of Iraqis happened to be driving by. It was the Good Samaritan experience. Those in the car helped the Shane and the other travelers to the nearby town to get to the hospital for treatment and gave them a place to stay and rest in their home.
They turned to Shane, knowing his mission there, and thanked him--saying (and I guess, having returned the book to the next reader at the library) "I know you serve a God of peace. I have great faith in such a God, and I hope you will work to spread the knowledge of such a God to those in your country, because we serve the same God here in Iraq and we do not know either why we are in this war."
And all I can do is sit back in awe. Mother Theresa lived her words, "We are not called to do great things but to do small things with great love." I think all of us in mind of peace seek to do these things, and want to do them. If someone were to turn to us for help, we would gladly give it, but when we do not know the "things to do" because so many crowd our attention until we are numb, and we fall back into a routine of the daily things that need to be done.
An image I often use with Wesley's theology of perfection in love and sanctifying grace is that of a young child. As children try on the clothes of their parents, baggy and ill-fitting, and look in the mirror in awe and trying to understand how they might possibly ever grow up to look or act or be like their we too look at God. We stare in the mirror with our greatest parent, God our Father, standing behind us with his hand on our shoulder and we look at our ill-fitting clothes and wonder how we will ever fill them out to be anything like our God, but through the nurture we receive from Him, and from others, we continue to grow. We continue to inadvertently grow into the love we were first shown. Two important distinctions exist here. First, a child never grows up to be identical to the parent. They share common characteristics but the child is an individual and rightly so. Their independent decisions will shape them in ways separate from the experiences of their parents. And second, because of these separate gifts and graces, a child never truly fills those same shoes they tottered in in childhood. We will never truly be perfect in love as our God is, but we continue on the path to meet that goal.
The Chicago Temple--tallest church in the world and United Methodist to boot--has two sanctuaries. One is at ground level, and the second (separated from the first by levels of law and business offices as the church is located literally in the middle of one of Chicago's busiest business sections of towns--right by State Street shopping) is at the level of a skyscraper--"the sky-high chapel." An image on the altar of the ground level sanctuary shows the scene of Jesus weeping over Jerusalem and wanting peace for his people. The chapel shows the scene again, this time with Jesus weeping over Chicago. The pastor shared the church's intention to show that Jesus weeps for the peace, truly, for all his people. Jerusalem represents the center we return to, the central conviction of our search for peace.
As Jesus weeps, we cry too. And we try to do our part.
Pastor Weatherly shared the words of a professor who told his class that "The Fall was the greatest thing that happened to humanity, because without it, we would never have had any cause to seek salvation." Because we have fallen, and our brothers and sisters have fallen with us, we continue to seek salvation. We continue to seek peace.
For myself, this means taking off the blinders and taking a good look around me. I turn first to prayer.
Grace & peace, to any who may happen upon this, in the name of our risen savior and perfector in faith, Jesus Christ. :)
Thursday, November 22, 2007
2. A mentality of abundance
Case 1: A mentality of scarcity
-A man hoards his possessions, and continues to hoard, afraid that something will happen rendering him helpless. In the meantime, he loses his relationships because the money for presents goes to more possessions and more importantly, the time for the development of relationships goes into a feeling of need for time alone.
-A mother wants the best for her children. She wants the best schools with the best teachers and best resources. What she wants is not wrong. However, when a millage comes up for inter-district busing so that lower-income students may attend her child's new school, she votes no because she's afraid that what her child has will be lost if it is shared among too many.
-Studies, as well as common knowledge, show that our world has more than enough food and clean water for everyone. Yet, billions are spent on territory disputes and very few are spent on distribution.
What others are on your mind?
Case 2: A mentality of abundance
-A man comes home from work exhausted and wanting to go immediately to bed. His child asks him for help with his homework, and he considers saying no, but he said no the night before. He decides to help and becomes far more awake in the process. The memory will stick longer than the short rest he may have received.
-A mother and grandmother works sixty-hour work weeks to buy small gifts for family members and friends, often small cards for holidays. She comes home every night exhausted and ready for a massage, but never ceases to shriek in response to new pregnancies, marriages, births, acceptances, promotions, discoveries, etc. of family and friends--in fact, she seeks them out. She maintains relationships. She finds the time for gatherings.
-A small church raises more than $2000 for hunger solution ministries.
How does this mentality present a challenge as well as strengthen your approach to ministry?
Phew. I'm ready for Case 2. Sign me uuuuuuup!
KA Ideas to Research:
a)Hispanic Ministry-in-state or Texas
b)Something Simple-Way-esque
c)Honduras or Guatemala-hunger ministry mission
d)And the thoughts continue...
Grace & Peace!
-A man hoards his possessions, and continues to hoard, afraid that something will happen rendering him helpless. In the meantime, he loses his relationships because the money for presents goes to more possessions and more importantly, the time for the development of relationships goes into a feeling of need for time alone.
-A mother wants the best for her children. She wants the best schools with the best teachers and best resources. What she wants is not wrong. However, when a millage comes up for inter-district busing so that lower-income students may attend her child's new school, she votes no because she's afraid that what her child has will be lost if it is shared among too many.
-Studies, as well as common knowledge, show that our world has more than enough food and clean water for everyone. Yet, billions are spent on territory disputes and very few are spent on distribution.
What others are on your mind?
Case 2: A mentality of abundance
-A man comes home from work exhausted and wanting to go immediately to bed. His child asks him for help with his homework, and he considers saying no, but he said no the night before. He decides to help and becomes far more awake in the process. The memory will stick longer than the short rest he may have received.
-A mother and grandmother works sixty-hour work weeks to buy small gifts for family members and friends, often small cards for holidays. She comes home every night exhausted and ready for a massage, but never ceases to shriek in response to new pregnancies, marriages, births, acceptances, promotions, discoveries, etc. of family and friends--in fact, she seeks them out. She maintains relationships. She finds the time for gatherings.
-A small church raises more than $2000 for hunger solution ministries.
How does this mentality present a challenge as well as strengthen your approach to ministry?
Phew. I'm ready for Case 2. Sign me uuuuuuup!
KA Ideas to Research:
a)Hispanic Ministry-in-state or Texas
b)Something Simple-Way-esque
c)Honduras or Guatemala-hunger ministry mission
d)And the thoughts continue...
Grace & Peace!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
1. "Live simply so that others may simply live"
How many times have I heard this? How many times have I made a commitment to myself that I will not overspend, that I will not committ to the consumer economy, that I will not buy more things? But I do, and we all do, because even where our personal commitment lives on, other continue in the familiarity of our consumer-based world, and we're drawn back in.
I'll start simple. Even as the mood strikes, it is impractical to pack up all my things, donate them and live as John Wesley did with two changes of clothing and little else--and obviously he wasn't the first if any focus is given to saint and prophets, and before them, Jesus, and before him, the Old Testament patriarchs. For one thing, people would say I stunk. For another, it's my senior year. For yet another, no one would let me. (Get where I'm going here?)
Starting with this next week, I'll set aside or dispose of one thing a day. I may throw away a folder of papers I haven't glanced at in years or set aside clothes for Goodwill that no longer fit, nor likely will again, or set aside a gift that I have never used to give to a friend who many not only have use of it but for whom it truly would be a gift.
It's a simplifying process, one thing at a time.
My second response is to a consumer-driven Christmas. It will not win the peace of my Advent this year. $100. That's all I will spend. I have finally come to the realization that I'll be hard-pressed to change others who may buy me gifts but I can change the gifts I give and the time I put into them. I can break out the knitting needles and learn how to knit a scarf without holes. I can break out the rolling pin and make tins of baked goods for the family. I can create something meaningful and long-lasting for the children of the family--or buy them books that last.
This will not be a Christmas that produces a pile of unworn clothes, broken toys and meaningless gifts. The time I put into the season will NOT consist of staring into shop windows and wondering when the hole in my wallet first appeared.
I will be careful with the resources God has given me and generous with their fruits. I will not feel guilty. This will not be another dead resolution.
One thing. One place to start.
Grace & Peace!
I'll start simple. Even as the mood strikes, it is impractical to pack up all my things, donate them and live as John Wesley did with two changes of clothing and little else--and obviously he wasn't the first if any focus is given to saint and prophets, and before them, Jesus, and before him, the Old Testament patriarchs. For one thing, people would say I stunk. For another, it's my senior year. For yet another, no one would let me. (Get where I'm going here?)
Starting with this next week, I'll set aside or dispose of one thing a day. I may throw away a folder of papers I haven't glanced at in years or set aside clothes for Goodwill that no longer fit, nor likely will again, or set aside a gift that I have never used to give to a friend who many not only have use of it but for whom it truly would be a gift.
It's a simplifying process, one thing at a time.
My second response is to a consumer-driven Christmas. It will not win the peace of my Advent this year. $100. That's all I will spend. I have finally come to the realization that I'll be hard-pressed to change others who may buy me gifts but I can change the gifts I give and the time I put into them. I can break out the knitting needles and learn how to knit a scarf without holes. I can break out the rolling pin and make tins of baked goods for the family. I can create something meaningful and long-lasting for the children of the family--or buy them books that last.
This will not be a Christmas that produces a pile of unworn clothes, broken toys and meaningless gifts. The time I put into the season will NOT consist of staring into shop windows and wondering when the hole in my wallet first appeared.
I will be careful with the resources God has given me and generous with their fruits. I will not feel guilty. This will not be another dead resolution.
One thing. One place to start.
Grace & Peace!
One Thing
This is an idea that first came to me in response to an emerging idea throughout Shane Claibourne's Irresistible Revolution of the "one thing" we do each day, the "one thing" each moment should be centered on--our relationship with God--and how the rest of our lives should center on this.
I put this idea away for awhile and came back to it in response to a Candidacy session centering around grace and our personal responses through devotions and spiritual formation (titled "Grace: Spiritual Formation through Inner Disciplines").
The other focus bringing me to this exercise is a Kingdom Assignment through our local church. I have $100 to spend in God's ministry, no specifications other than that I must report back to the congregation. In my struggle to find one thing that I am most called to do--since I also having a growing sense that this is not meant only to grow God's money but to grow myself and push me out of my comfort zone--I have already missed the first reporting date as I continue to discern. I feel a growing pressure to report but also to remain true to another and greater responsibility to grow the money given to me by God for his purpose.
So, returning to the idea of "One Thing." This one thing may be my response to something I've heard, read or done. It may be one thing I've committed to do. But it is a growth process foremost--to write one thing in response to some driving question in my mind. I committ to 100 entries, but it will continue beyond that as the Spirit moves.
Grace & Peace!
I put this idea away for awhile and came back to it in response to a Candidacy session centering around grace and our personal responses through devotions and spiritual formation (titled "Grace: Spiritual Formation through Inner Disciplines").
The other focus bringing me to this exercise is a Kingdom Assignment through our local church. I have $100 to spend in God's ministry, no specifications other than that I must report back to the congregation. In my struggle to find one thing that I am most called to do--since I also having a growing sense that this is not meant only to grow God's money but to grow myself and push me out of my comfort zone--I have already missed the first reporting date as I continue to discern. I feel a growing pressure to report but also to remain true to another and greater responsibility to grow the money given to me by God for his purpose.
So, returning to the idea of "One Thing." This one thing may be my response to something I've heard, read or done. It may be one thing I've committed to do. But it is a growth process foremost--to write one thing in response to some driving question in my mind. I committ to 100 entries, but it will continue beyond that as the Spirit moves.
Grace & Peace!
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